Thursday, 29 November 2012

Knowledge Vs Intelligence

            Oh! I can read your mind. You are probably thinking what's the big difference between knowledge and intelligence which makes me compare them both with a 'versus' phrase.
To your gladness, yes there is a lot of difference            
This is my best explanation of intelligence.

Knowledge is the awareness of ignorance in the world but intelligence is knowing all ignorance comes from thyself alone. 

For example, 
One man says the sky is blue and the other says the sky is purple. Now, the man who says the sky is blue thinks the man who sees a purple sky as ignorant and holds himself higher, because he absolutely knows the sky is blue. . What this man doesn't know is that the man who sees a purple sky has a disorder with the rods and cones in his eyes which cause him to see color differently so ultimately the sky is purple for him. So each think they are right, they argue and bicker of each others ignorance until a man in the distance comes to them and explains that the sky has no color it is the mere refraction of light along with the reaction of cones and rods in our eyes that make the colors we see. In essence the sky can be any color, he says. The man who tells them this information does not look down upon either man nor does he see them as ignorant because he knows one man sees a purple sky the other a blue sky and that his idea of cones and rods although studied in a lab and tested has no way of being a fact for he knows there are no facts, just the interpretations of men on what they see. So to him there is no ignorance. So until we can look at every situation from every angle without bias we will only gather knowledge that proves others ignorance, but when we can see from all angles with no bias and room for ideas then our knowledge will be turned into intelligence.

Knowledge consists of raw facts and data. It is acquired from our senses and from experience, and stored in our memory. It forms a vast pool of information that our thinking mind can draw on as a foundation for its higher capabilities that involve intelligence and wisdom whereas 

Intelligence organizes knowledge into an orderly pattern in our minds. It sees the big picture and is able to put all the pieces of information and knowledge together at right places to see the big picture to engage in constructive activities.

Let us see another complicated example on: Driving an automobile 

 It’s possible to have a lot of knowledge about cars and driving without ever actually driving a car. There are thousands of books, magazines, and videos on the subject. These cover everything from basic information such as what the steering wheel, gas pedal, and brakes do to advanced information about the design, capabilities, and handling characteristics of high performance race cars. Now after storing all these into our brains we are knowledgeable on the subject.

Intelligence is more than a collection of facts stored in the memory. It is the ability to see and understand how those facts relate to one another, and what they mean. To be intelligent about driving a car, we not only need to know what the steering wheel, gas pedal, and brakes do, but how they interact with one another, and when and how much to use each one in various situations.Being an intelligent driver involves grasping the big picture of what driving is all about, and bringing together all of our knowledge about driving, road conditions, and even human psychology so that we can safely and efficiently transport ourselves and our passengers from point A to point B.

Therefore, Knowledge and Intelligence are two levels of our mind which opens one after another as we follow the human psychological growth. So, this is the difference between knowledge and intelligence where knowledge is about knowing you have some problem and intelligence about finding ways to solve it smartly using the knowledge of past experiences. 

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